1. Practical advice on preparing for Pesach
2. Instructions to guide you every step of the way
3. Notes on all the difficult bits
4. Singable English
5. Non-sexist and egalitarian
6. Complete, traditional Hebrew text in easy-to-read phrases
7. Line-by-line transliteration |
When we eat, it's natural to show our gratitude--and it's never
been easier to give thanks in the traditional words of prayer.
This book includes kiddush for Shabbat
and festivals with complete instructions for what to do at home,
from washing the hands to blessing the children; Grace after
Meals, with a full Singlish translation so that everyone can
join in; selected songs, including zemirot and chasidic nigunim
that everyone can enjoy;
and our exclusive three-column format,
with contemporary English translation side-by-side with the
complete Hebrew text and transliteration. |
Each year our prayer communities read five short books of Jewish
scripture: Kohelet or Ecclesiastes; Ester or the Book of Esther; Shir
HaShirim or the Song of Songs; Rut or the Book of Ruth; and Eicha or
The poetic Hebrew can be difficult to follow, especially when an
expert chants the book. So we have set the Hebrew in convenient phrases
with a line-by-line English translation and full transliteration.
Extensive footnotes explain difficulties in the text or translation. |
Transliterated, egalitarian
siddur for daily afternoon and evening services in the Jewish
house of mourning, with inclusive English and helpful
instructions and notes. |
With community prayer services for weekdays, Shabbat and
festivals, book includes the complete cycle of services,
morning, afternoon and evening. This book has all the features
that make our books easy to use. Prayers are fully
transliterated; we honor the Four
Mothers wherever we honor the
Forefathers. And we avoid assigning gender to God. What's more,
we show how and when the congregation should respond, stand,
sit, or bow; and we distinguish Tanach quotations from other
parts of prayer. From weekday Tachanun to festival poems such as
Berach Dodi and Akdamut Milin, all the difficult parts are fully
translated and transliterated. |
With community prayer services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,
this hardbound book includes the complete cycle of services,
morning, afternoon and evening. All prayers are transliterated
and translated. |
Imagine Bircat Hamazon (Grace After Meals), family photos, the
spirit of the occasion in your own words, and more -- anything
you choose can be in your Simcha Songster. Your guests will love it,
because even those for whom the ceremony is unfamiliar will be
able to follow along and join in with our exclusive format --
Hebrew, transliteration, and translation into modern English and
Singlish. Create a treasured keepsake of the occasion.